The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

1960 was so long ago that it's hard to remember specific events. But I know that I had a good experience at Penn State. After graduation, I worked for the Philadelphia School District for two years as a dietitian. I then married my first husband and started to work for the Department of Defense buying industrial supplies for the armed forces. These parts were especially important because they were used on equipment involved in the Vietnam War. My husband and I moved to the Chicago area, I had two sons and was a stay-at-home mother. We then moved to the Detroit area where we lived for about 4 years. At that time, my marriage broke up, the boys and I moved to the St. Louis area where I taught for the Parkway School District for 26 years and received a masters degree from Washington University in St. Louis. I married again and I am now happily married and retired, have two wonderful sons and two fantastic grandchildren. My husband I go to the health club almost every morning and have traveled around the world. LIFE IS GOOD!